The evolution of the awakening of consciousness floats in a cloud of vanity.
We are all soaked in vanity – it permeates our lives.
People talk about God above. There is no "above" in absolute terms. Are there absolute terms?
If you want to refer to existence as God, fine, it doesn’t matter. But don’t talk about it like there is some void within existence, separating us and God. The fabric of life is ONE fabric. There is the appearance of here and there, but really there is only here.
We think we are everything. We are not. We have evolved enough to become aware of ourselves and our surroundings, but in doing so we have lost the path we came on. We are now destroying our home and ourselves.
Think about the universe, and its size. The universe is infinite, the earth is finite. By definition of these terms, the earth barely exists on a universal scale.
Now look around outer space, where else can such an abundance of life be found? Life is incredible. In an infinite space of gas and dust, this is what is growing, and we don’t have a fucking clue how rare and beautiful it is? Look at the joy of relationships, the diversity of living creatures and plants, the sensory offerings, the ability to learn about and do things you love to do.
How much richer could we possibly be? Imagine a richer planet.
Sadly, our consciousness cannot hold the vastness of the universe but for fleeting moments. How our self-perception would change if we could sustain this awareness, I don't know.
Why are we here? There is no adequate answer to this question other than ‘why not’. This leaves us in the middle… eternally. We exist as measurable entities between big infinity (looking at space) and small infinity (looking into space). The universe is infinite, I guess. If you put on your jet pack and shot into space in a straight line from earth, and never ran out of fuel, you would never stop!? If you created a microscope that could magnify anything without limit (human cells, for example), you would never stop seeing what it's made of.
This is one example of balance, a fundamental principle of existence.
Yet none of this matters, except in one area: appreciation. We are blind with vanity. We are so wrapped up in our own worlds, we can’t see the world. And I’m not blaming anyone. This is the natural course. Go through the bad, experience the shit, to discover the good.
Wage war. Do as the U.S. says, not as it does. Let the companies in or we'll cut off the aid, we'll make your people starve. They'll starve anyway, you say? Oh well.
Tax the poor. Privatize social security. Privatize the water, and the air. Privatize my thoughts - make me pay to think.
Once everyone owns everything, everything will be fine. Too bad this planet is not ours, we don't really own anything. But we play the game, and we take it very seriously.
1 comment:
good stuff.
it's so depressing to think about how much we are fucking up the world, cutting down the rainforests, destroying cultures that have been in existence for millenia, decimating the oceans, etc.
we have lost our perspective on our relationship to the world and with it our appreciation...i don't know how you get it back
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