Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hunter Thompson quotes

"Politics is the art of controlling your environment."

more to come...

Monday, November 16, 2009

To add to the second last post

You can logically get to a conclusion which I think is important:

All stress and worrying is caused by the desire to know the future. Anxiety's source is when people fear the unknown - "what's going to happen?", "what if...?".

However - if a person knew the future, truly knew everything (or anything) that was going to happen, it would be TORTURE. I really believe that, because whenever something is predictable it sucks. It's a paradox, really.

So the only conclusion I can draw from this is that we are designed - our nature - to accept that we cannot know and should not want to know the future, and should adopt the attitude of "I don't know" for everything. And THIS is the only way to find joy and appreciation of the present moment, which is the only place you will ever find peace.