Friday, May 9, 2014

The void, creation etc

If you place all your attention into "the void", the source of creation, no thoughts come. When your attention wanders thoughts pour forth. Look away and the atoms dance behind your back. A watched pot never boils. Life operates best when not under intense scrutiny - people as well, I think. Shearing the sheep instead of killing it - the dance of existence, applicable to all endeavours. Don't push the river. "To meditate, focus on your breath" - makes sense, your breath is your ultimate, most fundamental lifeline. I attribute part of my (at times) over-active mind to my birth, when I could not breath for some minutes. Conditioning is powerful, we calcify as we age if we are not intentional about keep our minds open. Probably it's an inevitably-lost battle, but probably also the one worth fighting the most. Why is fresh air good for you? How about fresh, natural food? How about living in nature without destroying it? Either we're separate from the rest of existence, or we're not. We're not, so follow the connections as far as they go.