Monday, March 16, 2015

I can't shake the feeling that one of the keys to unlocking the "power of life" is by delving into one's relationship with death. Death is the final point that puts life and reality into pure relief/contrast. It's a powerful filter if you can keep it close to your daily consciousness. Keeping death in your thoughts is not any kind of salve or magic bullet, however. The truth of "ignorance is bliss" remains and especially when considering people you love in your life, death is stressful and fear-inducing. I guess like anything else the optimal strategy is some kind of middle, balanced approach. Maybe death is better suited to providing a filter for big decisions, leaving us free to cultivate awareness of the present in daily, moment-to-moment life.
There is an infinite amount of redemption that resides in any given moment. It resides as potential and can be brought to life through the choices we make.